Friday, September 23, 2011

Kenneth Ma interested in female news anchors

Yesterday Kenneth Ma was recording for Starry Kitchen. With only average cooking skills, Kenneth expressed he loves eating seafood the most. Is rumored girlfriend Nancy Wu good at cooking? He said he doesn't know! When speaking of many artists are making money as 'couple teams', Kenneth also hopes to do the same. He said the more rumors the better because he can make more: "There are a lot of beauties in TVB too, even the news anchor isn't bad."

About TVB's poaching issue, Kenneth still has a 2-3 year contract with TVB. He also hopes to earn money in Mainland. In fact, he has tried before too but because of schedule conflicts with a TVB new series, he gave up on the Mainland one.

Source: Oriental Daily
Credits to TVB News World
Video of Starry Kitchen

Friday, September 16, 2011

Kenneth Ma's Kiss with Mandy Wong Was Very Pleasant

Mandy Wong, who has changed to the 'big girl' route, has not only been frequently dressing sexily recently, but also kissing simultaneously in series! After filming an intense kiss scene with Benjamin Yuen, she also filmed a kiss scene with co-star Kenneth Ma the night before. [She] also kissed until her face went gaunt. Afterward, Kenneth praised her for being good to kiss, frankly saying that it was extremely pleasant!

The night before, Kenneth and Mandy filmed a kiss scene for new series "36 Hours on Call". Mandy, who was very into the scene, kissed until her face went gaunt, attracting a bunch of onlookers. Mandy, who intensely kissed Benjamin earlier, referred to herself as being a 'pro'. Kenneth laughingly said, "She is not as experienced as I am. In 'The Mysteries of Love', I kissed four or five girls. They laughed at me for using up my kissing quota in one go! However, I haven't done kiss scenes for a while...slightly nervous!"

As for Mandy, she revealed that her first onscreen kiss went to Him Law. When asked who was the best to kiss, she laughing aid, "Him is more moist, Benjamin has more feeling, while Kenneth is more dry! He is also very dry!" Upon hearing this, Kenneth immediately laughingly said, "But I think that you are very good to was very pleasant".

Groans About Seeing Money Slip Through His Fingers

As for Steven Ma being dissatisfied with TVB for not attaching importance to series "The Life and Times of a Sentinel", Kenneth, who is also this series male lead, said, "Perhaps it is because 'Lives of Omission' will also have a movie; thus, the company put more promotion on it". He frankly said that business is business, and there is nothing more to say. [He] also said, "Steven has always been straightforward. (Did he ever mention to you about terminating his contract in advance?) Previously, we did chat. He said that there are many companies in Mainland looking for him". It has been said that Steven is dissatisfied with TVB for turning down Mainland series for him. Kenneth immediately revealed that TVB had also previously turned down two series for him, causing him to lose out on the opportunity to 'earn RMB'...extremely unfortunate!

Source: Ori-Sun
Credits to Hyn5 for translations

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Kenneth Ma Pursues Elaine Yiu

Yesterday, Elaine Yiu attended an event promoting traffic safety. She expressed that she would definitely not drive after drinking, because she doesn't have her driver's license, and she usually travels by taxi. When asked whether she had a wealthy boyfriend to be her chauffeur, she said, "Broke up for over half a year!" After hearing this, Kenneth Ma joking said, "Wow! I have a chance now!" Kenneth expressed that he welcomes Elaine to call him to be her chauffeur. Elaine said, "He is, following Moses Chan, TVB's second 'Good Property'!"

Source: the-sun and mingpao
Credits to Hyn5 for translation

Weibo pics

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Kenneth Ma Choks Out a Bad Guy

Kenneth Ma is not afraid of being typecast...hopes to play even more evil roles.

Kenneth Ma refers to himself as 'Chok Knight'...measuring up against Raymond Lam and Michael Tse.

Kenneth Ma has been the spokesperson for a skin care brand for seven consecutive years. When filming a print ad earlier, 'chok' was the theme. Wearing a smart suit, he had a 'chok' pose, and referred to himself as 'Chok Knight'. He said, "Hope to increase luck in love, affinity with the audience, and certainly luck with the ladies as well with good skin!" He, who has been playing evil roles in many series recently, was asked whether he was worried about being typecast as a bad guy. He expressed that a bad guy image should be able to attract an even broader audience...hope to have an opportunity to play an even more evil villain role in the future.

Source: Oriental Sunday and Ming Pao

Credits to Hyn5

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Kenneth Ma not afraid Stephen Chan's "beloved generals" will compete for his job

Regarding Stephen Chan being acquitted of his bribery and fraud charges, Kenneth Ma expresses that he is not surprised. "Knew everything will be okay since he was able to return to work". (Did you send him an SMS to congratulate him?). "No, don't have to deliberately do that, we will see each other at work eventually". Simultaneously, he's not afraid of Stephen's return, that the "beloved generals" from the Stephen Chan camp will compete with him for performance opportunities. "TVB is in need of artists, don't think opportunities will increase or decrease because of this."

Source: Oriental Daily

Friday, September 2, 2011

Kenneth Ma: The path of good and evil

If someone wants to translate this, please feel free...






家人支持 捱3年打出名堂





扮完小強 做7日「死屍」




我行我素 懶理「零星味」









沒有包袱 挑戰任何角色











Source: Ming Pao

Kenneth Ma prompts scolding to get awards

If someone would like to translate this, please feel free...

入行 12年的馬國明,雖然演出機會不斷,不過未能及《衝上雲霄》兄弟黃宗澤及吳卓羲等一飛冲天,不過最近馬國明新劇一部接一部,終於奸出頭,尤其是《真相》中演奸仔Alex害死唐詩詠,令他被觀眾和網民鬧不停,對於觀眾的激烈反應,馬國明直言:「Alex呢個角色會攞分多啲!」擺明車馬博攞獎。

近期以奸取勝的馬國明先後在《談情說案》、《女拳》、《真相》以及《紫禁驚雷》扮演不同類型的角色,不過《紫禁驚雷》飾演二皇爺的馬國明只愛江山不愛美人,似乎打動不了女觀眾的芳心,反而不少網民對馬國明在《真相》 Alex一角讚不絕口。

馬國明也認同網民的觀點說:「唔出奇呀,我都覺得《真相》嘅反應好啲,尤其係女性觀眾, Alex呢個角色會攞分多啲,因為你知道 Alex係犯法,但係佢對個女仔嘅感情係真。而二皇爺唔鍾意佢嘅老婆,只係利用老婆去攞外父嘅兵權謀朝篡位,你會覺得佢好自私,所以係冇觀眾嘅攞分位。」

馬國明續說:「嗰陣播完大 C(唐詩詠)死咗之後,咁啱我第二日出嚟做嘢,搞到我喺每個地方都俾人鬧一次,好多人一見到我就鬧我害死佢,又話我好衰,但係啲觀眾鬧完之後會覺得 Alex係一個好慘嘅人,佢都有值得同情嘅地方,觀眾有咁嘅反應梗係開心,不過我覺得鬧得唔夠狠。」

捱足 12年終於捱出頭,馬國明笑說:「唔可以咁講,我只係用忙字嚟形容,我都希望快啲捱出頭,不過家都幾開心,我拍完一輪奸角之後,公司又畀我拍《回到三國》,呢一部又有別於其他,今次係拍搞笑戲,其實我好耐冇拍過搞笑戲,我本身都好搞笑,只係慢熱啲啫。」

當年馬國明曾經與黃宗澤、吳卓羲和陳鍵鋒合作拍《衝上雲霄》,劇集一出街, S4的確迷倒不少女觀眾,眼見其他人已有出頭天,相比之下總有點不是味兒,他說:「我又冇唔開心、真係冇,唔係講笑,好似前排俾人話我搭地鐵,完全零星味,我咪當笑話一則,佢又唔係寫我窮到搭地鐵。我明白同佢哋比,梗係有啲人覺得係落後啲,但係你唔可以吓吓望住啲最紅嘅人比,調番轉頭同訓練班啲人比,我又係幸運嘅一個,起碼有監製搵我,而且做嘅角色都唔錯。」






蘋果日報 2011-08-28

Source: Apple Daily

Kenneth Ma and Selena Li at Electrolux Event

Kenneth Ma Addicted to Playing Villain Roles

Recently, Kenneth Ma (馬國明) has been acting as a villain in many drama series. One of which was acting as a scheming rebellious prince who plotted to overthrow the current king and seized the throne for himself in The Life and Times of A Sentinel <紫禁惊雷>.

Asked whether he had a feeling of being demoted, Kenneth replied, “Having portrayed a righteous character for so many years, as an actor, villain roles are actually very fun. In fact, they are hard to find and I can’t wait for more. I feel that I am not villainous enough. Hope that there is a set of drama that offers a much more villainous role so that I can be satisfied and “go in peace.”

In actual fact, villain roles usually leave a deep impression on the viewers so does Kenneth have the confidence to get promoted and win the award based on his villain roles? In reply to this, Kenneth responded, “I also don’t know. Those are said by people and they also say they hate taking awards but honestly, winning an award would enable one’s appearance fees to increase lahs!”

Kenneth Ma’s most unforgettable moment was the scene where the King was forced to abdicate his throne in the main audience seeking hall, “The dialogues for that scene alone were more than forty pages long. It was one of the toughest I have experienced ever since my early filming days. Just that scene alone took me three nights to complete and my feelings for those three days were extremely heavy and extremely unforgettable.”

Source: Oriental Daily
Credits to Jaynestars for translation