Kenneth Ma was ranked #7 on Next Magazine TV Awards 2012 for Top 10 TV Artist
The Hippocratic Crush was ranked #6 for Top 10 TV Series
Since Moses Chan was taken by Aimee Chan, Kenneth Ma takes his place as the number #1 Best Deal in the industry. Also, his upright doctor role Cheung Yat Kin in The Hippocratic Crush instantly got him to be the number 1 target among the group of 'left behind women' (middle-age, single women). It was just like when I mentioned at my company that I would be doing the photo shoot with Kenneth, my female colleagues immediately bounced up and asked: "When are you going to do the photo shoot with Yat Kin Tau? I want to see him!" That day, there were 4-5 female admin workers that stood by the studio's doorway the whole time to watch and their goal is to take a picture with Yat Kin Tau.
He said: "I am far from being the Best Deal', I just think I don't have a house yet and just my financial capability, I'm not qualified!" Kenneth still modestly denied.
Credits and Full article see TVB News World Blogspot
Weibo Ceremony Pics
Friday, March 30, 2012
Kenneth Ma no taste in fashion, Tavia Yeung takes him out clothes shopping
Last night Norman Leung hosted a celebration dinner for the cast and crew of TVB series The Hippocratic Crush and announced that there will be a sequel. Lead actor and actress Kenneth Ma and Tavia Yeung are currently busy shooting for pre-modern series Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles and attended in their costumes.
Kenneth Ma has been accepting series after series, but he modestly said it's not much of a harvest. It is all thanks to THC's high ratings that he got more public event job opportunities and is another source of income. He hopes to save enough money to get a bigger house. When reporters teased him asking if he needs a 'golden house to keep a mistress'? Kenneth jokingly said: "If I'm rich, I don't mind. I want a bigger house, enough for 7 people to live in. This is for the convenience of my sister bringing her two children to visit us, and have more room to move around." Kenneth also believed that home investment is far more practical and valued than having famous cars or watches.
Earlier Lawrence Ng publicly praised Kenneth's good acting. Kenneth thanked 'Ching Ji Mei' (Lawrence's role in Healing Hands) for his appreciation. "I thought he didn't watch. Actually Healing Hands's Dr. Ching Ji Mei is an icon. This time, our doctor roles are more on the greater scale, different from their type." Kevin Cheng also praised that he has hope for the TV King title this year. Kenneth was very grateful: "Have to really thank this big brother, he loves me a lot too. Often times, he gives me advice on what to wear and the way I dress. He also told me he'll take me along to develop in Mainland." When speaking of him lacking a female companion to dress him up? Kenneth claimed that Tavia should take him out for clothes shopping because there will be a discount. He laughed and said this is what Tavia suggested, so he's not worried to be called the 'light bulb' between Tavia and Him Law.
Tavia teased Kenneth's outfit that he looks like a waiter and told him to put on a suit jacket: "Today, he initially came here without the suit jacket. It was only when I said he's always looking like a waiter, that he put that jacket on." Tavia continued to tease her partner: "He has everything, he has a house, he has the acting, but he just doesn't have any taste in fashion. He really needs to change his image, in order to reach the a higher level. Although I don't really have much knowledge on fashion myself, but as a friend I'm not trying to bash him, just giving advice and trying to help him. He is happy to accept any advice, just not many people tell him. (But he has no girl?) Leave it to fate." Tavia also said she doesn't mind taking Kenneth out to shop for clothes, just as long as time allows her to do so.
Credits to TVB News World Blogspot
For video see Hyn5 Blogspot
Samantha Ko and Kenneth Ma seeing the light of their sucess
Monday, March 19, 2012
"The Hippocratic Crush" Filming a Sequel: Tavia Yeung and Kenneth Ma Excited
The final episode of "The Hippocratic Crush" averaged 37 points, and peaked at 39 points (approximately 2,470,000 viewers). The entire series averaged 31 points (approximately 1,970,000 viewers). Chairman Norman Leung will be treating the cast and crew to dinner next Wednesday.
Kenneth Ma just found out that the original cast will be filming a sequel. Although he still does not know when filming will begin and whether the characters will be continuing on, he believes that it will still be a hospital setting.
When Kenneth was asked whether he was confident in becoming a housewife killer like Lawrence Ng's Dr. Ching Chi Mei in "Healing Hands", as well as filming a number of sequels, he said, "I am Cheung Yat Kin; there are differences to Ching Chi Mei. Hope that my girlfriend is still Yue Jai (Tavia Yeung). Believe that it would also be very enjoyable to watch us portray a couple for another 25 not want it to be like Ching Chi Mei's girlfriends...all dying".
Credits to Hyn5 Blogspot
Tavia hopes for sequel after sequel
The finale of The Hippocratic Crush staring Tavia Yeung and Kenneth Ma averaged at 37 points, currently securing first place in ratings among other TVB series aired this year. Tavia revealed at FILMART 2012 that The Hippocratic Crush is set to film a sequel, she and Kenneth both hope that THC, like Healing Hands, will have sequel after sequel. Even Kevin Cheng, also at the same event, supports Kenneth Ma to be TV King this year!
Source: Oriental Daily
Weibo Pics
The Hippocratic Crush Ratings!
Week | Episodes | Average pt | Peaking pt |
1 | 1-5 | 29 | 31 |
2 | 6-10 | 30 | 32 |
3 | 11-15 | 30 | 33 |
4 | 16-20 | 31 | 34 |
5 | 21-25 | 37 | 39 |
Congrats to THC for high ratings!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Kenneth Ma a late bloomer in the entertainment industry
在剛剛大結局的無綫劇《 On Call 36小時》中,馬國明(馬明)飾演的張一健叫好又叫座,人氣急升。藝員訓練班出身的馬明,做過甲乙丙沒名字的角色,又試過穿道具戲服扮「小強」為黃子華的《藍天》拍 MV,直到近年所拍的劇集,先後獲讚賞,令他的演藝事業漸露曙光。捱足 12年的馬明坦言:「我冇諗過有呢個成績,成功與否唔係自己一個人嘅努力,仲有好多配合。」
凡事有弊亦有利,人事上的衝擊造就不少上位機會,馬明說:「好似《 On Call》有好多新人演出,我成日都同佢哋講,叫佢哋要畀心機,因為走咗咁多人,多咗好多機會,家係睇吓邊個畀心機做戲,只要你把握到每個角色,工作量就會越嚟越多,監製好實際,佢哋唔使你送乜嘢畀佢,因為佢要人拍戲,只要你 OK交到貨,下一套咪會預埋你囉 。」
馬明又說:「呢度唯一係叫穩定,無綫呢度係一間好學校,就算你初頭出嚟拍得幾差,都會 keep住畀你拍,等你磨練吓再等吓一個機會,唔會冇嘢畀你做,只不過係學滿師啲人走咗 。」
馬明還笑說:「之前同松哥拍《蔡鍔與小鳳仙》,已經喺佢身上學到嘢,今次拍《名媛》仲學得多,你睇到佢點做,點樣攞到個方向,我呢啲醒目仔袋咗好多錢落袋!」被笑稱是「遲來的醒目仔」,馬明亦不禁笑說:「遲到好過冇到,好多嘢係講因緣際遇,做咗咁多年都好認命,好似我上年全年都係做緊啲奸奸哋嘅角色,今年《 On Call》做忠嘅角色又有新鮮感,連帶啲做好 fresh嘅實習醫生,亦畀咗好多新鮮感畀觀眾,如果我一路 keep住做同一類角色,可能呢個角色嘅迴響冇咁大。」
Source: ihktv
If you're interested in translating this article, please contact me via Cbox
The Hippocratic crush finale dinner
Last friday Kenneth Ma, Him Law, Tavia Yeung, Mandy Wong, Candy Chang and the rest of the cast of The Hippocratic Crush met up in Tsim Sha Tsui for dinner and to watch the finale.
Kenneth Ma: Ability
Kenneth Ma has always gone the ability route. Compared to other siu sangs in the same generation, his pace is indeed slower. Acting for 13 years, finally the first male lead 'Yat Kin Tau' in "The Hippocratic Crush", the series receiving good reviews and drawing a large audience, and Kenneth's acting has also received praise. Is this a late spring? "Absolutely not. When filming 'Born Rich', Lo Ka (Gallen Lo) previously said that it takes 10 years to come out with a siu sang. I don't think that my pace is slow; it's just that my road is longer because, in this industry, apart from ability, luck is also a major factor. For example, Wayne Lai. His acting has always been good. I already greatly admired him in the '90s, but had to encounter 'Chai Gau' before gaining great popularity".
When talking about [his] career, Kenneth went on and on, but when asked about [his] love life...reconciled with Nancy Wu? He immediately became awkward, saying that there was nothing to report: "Nancy and I are in the friendship stage...enjoying the current single life. Still make money above all else!"
Credits to Hyn5 Blogspot
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Kenneth Ma no desire to be TV King; Exposes 'THC' is an open ending
Yesterday Kenneth Ma was a guest for the opening ceremony of men's clothing store TAKEO KIKUCHI. Recently because of Kenneth's new series The Hippocratic Crush (THC), his popularity has been on the rise. At the event a large group of fans shouted his nickname from the series, 'Yat Kin Tau'. The series has also been receiving favorable criticisms by Netizens that the storyline moved them to tears and that Kenneth has hope to compete for the TV King title this year. Kenneth said: "Really thank audience for all the support, but its just that the script was written well. As for awards, just go with the flow. If audience believe I'm qualified for TV King, I'm already happy." Regarding the series finale, Kenneth expressed the recent two episodes averaged at 33 points. He and Tavia Yeung are going to host a dinner for the cast and crew to watch the finale together. Kenneth said: "Lately audience have been displeased by series endings, but for THC's ending, it should be pretty good. It's an open ending. (Left open for a sequel?) Tommy [Leung] jokingly said that the series must get a sequel since it got high ratings. Of course, I want one too and hope it will be the original cast. There are still lots of topics that could be covered. "
His career's going smoothly, but what about his love life? Kenneth expressed he is just focusing on work now. Reporters asked about Nancy Wu? He said: "Nancy is a good girl, many want to pursue her. I feel comfortable being friends with her. It is a priority for us both to make more money. (It was rumored you two are back together?) I don't mind rumors, as long as it doesn't negatively impact others family or its about affairs. [Rumors] actually help series promotion. (Will you consider on-screen partner Tavia then?) We're good buddies, impossible."
Credits to TVB News World
Kenneth Ma Cries Out Acting Abilities: Audience Full of Likes
Last night's episode of series "The Hippocratic Crush", starring Kenneth Ma, talked about his doctor character not being able to save his younger brother, 'Yat Hong' Nathan Ngai, blaming himself, breaking down, and bursting out crying. The tear-provoking storyline touched netizens, supporting him for being able to compete for TV King, becoming hotter property.
Kenneth, who is regarded as the industry's 'Hot Property', has received the support of netizens to compete for 'TV King', seemingly becoming even more 'hot'. When he accepted a phone interview yesterday, he said, "Thanks for the audience support, but do not dare taking the credit. It's the editors who wrote it very well...everyone's chemistry. As for awards, taking things as they come. It's only March now; there are many grand series coming up. Already very happy with people feeling that I have the qualifications to compete for TV King". When asked whether there are hopes to film a sequel, he said, "Tommy (TVB Executive Tommy Leung) jokingly said that, with such good feedback, must film a sequel. Certainly hope for the original cast!"
In addition, Kenneth expressed that he will leave romance to fate when he attended an event yesterday. As for his reconciliation rumours with Nancy Wu, he said, "Thanks to the media for boiling...helpful for the series. He also highly praised Nancy for being a good girl with many pursuers. On the other hand, Selena Li filmed "All Things Girl" yesterday. When asked whether she was interested in competing for 'Hot Property' Kenneth, she laughingly said, "Wait and see. We are good friends...have known each other for a long time".
Kenneth Ma: More Important to Make Money Than Date
Kenneth Ma attended an opening ceremony for a fashion shop (Takeo Kikuchi), gaining the support of many fans. He expressed that the most recent two episodes of series "The Hippocratic Crush" averaged 33 points...hope that the ratings increase again. Afterward, will have dinner and watch the ending with the cast and crew; he and Tavia will pay the bill: "Recently, many viewers scolded that the endings for series were not good. I believe that it won't be this series. The ending is quite good; it is an open ending. (Foreshadowing a sequel?) Hope so". He also admitted that the series has brought him many money-making opportunities.
As for romance, he frankly said to leave it to fate...make money above all else. However, he highly praised former girlfriend Nancy Wu as being a good girl with many pursuers. As for reconciliation rumours, he laughingly said, "Thanks to the media for boiling...helpful for the series. Rumours are fine with me".
Credits to Hyn5 Blogspot
Alternate article Jaynestars
For more pictures KennethMa.Org
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
'The Hippocratic Crush' basketball game promotion, lost badly to Students
Kenneth Ma, Tavia Yeung, Him Law and Mandy Wong took part in a basketball competition promotional event for The Hippocratic Crush. Yesterday the cast arrived at the high school to play a basketball game against the students. In a pair of leather shoes, Kenneth carelessly tripped his opponent during the game, frightening him so much he put his hands up in surrender. Him also tripped and fell during the confusion. The final score was 18 to 7, the Students crushed the Artists defeating them by 11 points.
Tavia didn't participate in the game, but she did serve as the cheerleader for her team. She exposed: "In the series, Kenneth is suppose to be good at basketball, but in reality he's really bad at it. He NGed countless times before he was able to get 1 shot in." It turns out Kenneth doesn't know how to play basketball at all, he laughed and said audience only saw the edited version.
When speaking of ex-girlfriend Nancy Wu's 6 second cameo appearance, Kenneth said: "She wasn't visiting me on the set, nothing to do with me. It's because the studio turned into a surgery room, so it was like TVB's holy land, everyone wanted to go in and see, including other producers and directors. (Nancy said let nature take its course when getting back together with you?) Well then, let nature take its course!" He said he's currently comfortable being friends with Nancy.
Asked if there is a possibility that they may get back together? Kenneth said: "I don't know the future. Never know, maybe they'll (media) will say I'm back together with Margie Tsang! It's all written and rumored by you guys! (You two didn't admit to have dated?) Any rumored friend can be said to have reconciled with me!"
Credits to TVB News World
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